Friday, 26 October 2012

Think Pink Friday!

Today is Think Pink Friday in honour of Breast Cancer Awareness month. Our office was awash with pink, with everyone taking part in its pink honour! The think pink friday fuddle with sweet treats and donations being made to a good course, had extra sparkle with people stepping up the baking creativity for all things pink!

These eye catching little fairy cakes were irresistible, and tasted scrummy!

Show your support!

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Home Sweet Home

Home is where the heart is and this week we will be viewing properties in search of our first time home. I'm excited about finding my 'castle' our 'kingdom', something which we can call and make our own! Budget and pennies...that's what is important now!

In the mean time this little gift is for a dear friend and her new home. This hand stitched heart, with 'home sweet home' message and cute heart shape button on the centre back, is a thoughtful gift which I hope she will love.

FRONT: Home Sweet Home - Heart @GlitteredPink

BACK: Button Detail - Made by @GlitteredPink

Monday, 22 October 2012

All in a Bloom

I fell in love with these flowers when I went shopping on Saturday. The shades tie in perfectly with my decor in the flat (I love a splash of pink and lime green)!
Bought from an independent flower man at Sheffield market, these flowers where not only a bargain at £6 for 4 bunches but have definitely brightened up my weekend!   
Not normally a fan or carnations, these flowers have an extra wow with the paintly, tie dye look (a big trend for AW13) J'adore!



Sunday, 21 October 2012

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary card original artwork by @GlitteredPink

My fiancĂ© and I have been together for 5 and 1/2 years and have been engaged 5 years 2 months! Time has flown but I still know that he is the one! Happy Anniversary! 
I've been teased at work for celebrating this anniversary as it's not a year precisely but you know what I don't care! Every moment is one to cherish and this one will be significant in it's own way!
I ♥ love you

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Tweet Tweet!

Like my blog and you want to hear more via regular tweeting updates check out my twitter profile @glitteredpink 

I would love to hear from you! Tweet tweet!

Friday, 19 October 2012

Home Sweet Heart

This summer I gave my flat a fresh lick of paint and on a roll I took to some finishing touches too. Being a keen sewer there's always lots of crafty pieces in my flat including boxes and boxes of fabric. I think we all have one of those boxes filled with, 'oooo i love that material, but I'm saving it for something special'. I am guilty of this and as a self confessed hoarder I've always got fabric to hand! 

Saving and utilising scraps from a recent bunting project (I knew I was saving them for something) I set about making some art for the flat! I hope you like the bedroom certainly does!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

What's your Mood?

My moods... 

What inspires me ranges depending on situations and current projects in my life. This is probably one of the reasons I love Pinterest soo much. One little click of a button and you can record those moments, those flashes of inspiration into what I like to consider as organised sections in my brain. My own little online memory boards or as you wish mood boards!Feel inspired about craft or fashion Pinterest has everything to offer and some great recipes too!

I love being to express my thoughts in a visual way it just seems to make them pop...pop! 

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Starry Starry Night

Vincent Van Gogh is one of my favourite artists and one whose work has inspired me in the past. Starry Night is one of his most well know paintings, which is still replicated and sought after in modern day. I remember doing my own rendition when I was still at school.

Tonight is a starry night and the stars are gleaming in my flat too! Made from felt with a stuffing centre and star sequin detail these felt stars are going to be perfect gifts to give with Christmas cards this season.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

The weather outside is frightful...

...but inside these snowmen are delightful! 

It's not snowing just yet but on this cold and blustery day these frosty felt snowmen Christmas decorations are the perfect Christmas gift, plus their fun and easy to make!

Monday, 15 October 2012

Don't mind me I'm a Gingerbread Man!

In the words of Bing Crosby 'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas' and what perfect way to start things off than to create gifts for loved ones. 
These cute little Gingerbread men have been made from felt with embroidery knots and stitch detail and ribbon bow finishing.
Fresh from the sewing oven they are my first blog gift to you! 

Brighten up your winter days with these fun little felt gingerbread men!