Thursday, 24 January 2013

Hand Stitched Hearts

This week I have been putting some finishing touches to some hand stitched hearts, adding personal messages, embroidery and embellishment details.  Buttons, bows, ribbons, sequins, beads and jewels...I love them all!
A perfect past time for while snuggled up on these cold winter nights.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Snow snow snow!

The whole country has been talking about the snow...well I'm no different. I love it, especially when it is fresh. I was worried at the weekend that I wouldn't make it home but thanks to good old public transport and lifted rail restrictions I made it home and back with no bother at all!

Best part of it all...seeing my mum and my old lab Pacha who has been poorly but best of all, being able to play in the garden and make a cute snowman! 
Can you ever be too old to make a snowman?? I certainly hope not!!!

1 hour later Snowman 2013 and Snowdog where born...

Snowman and Snowdog

Snowman and Snowdog get a make over

Snowman 2013

Snowdog 2013

Pacha - the most amazing dog in the world!! Check out those paws...such a lady!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Felt Rose Pattern and Tutorial

Happy New Year!!

This year has got off to a bang, time is speeding by and sooo much has happened already...where did 2012 go?! 
There's lots that I would like to reflect on from 2012 as it was such an amazing year with some truly unforgettable moments but today is about looking forward, staying positive and ticking through that long list of New Year's resolutions....starting with Felt Flowers. 
Felt Flowers by @GlitteredPink
When looking online for a guide to how to make felt flowers I struggled to fine a pattern/ tutorial which was easy to follow and FREE! After a good hour on Pinterest, several websites/blogs and a couple of YouTube videos later I've done it... I hope this helps!! 

My guide to making Felt Rose Flowers - Pattern and Tutorial. Felt or paper they both work!
Felt Flowers by @GlitteredPink